Why did my appointments not come through instantly?

There are multiple reasons why you might experience a delay in appointments showing on your mobile app schedule. Some examples are detailed below;

  1. If many apps are open on the device used, there may not be enough processing power for the Commusoft app to access. Closing the Commusoft app along with any unnecessary apps will clear the device cache, freeing up memory and processing power the app needs to function. When you open the Commusoft app it then has access to more device resources.

    We recommend any device used to run the Commusoft app exceeds the minimum device requirements. The Commusoft app will function on a device that meets the minimum requirements but will perform better with more device resources available.
  1. Low signal or bad connection at the time the appointment is added. The best way to test your connection is to visit a website and try to load a video, eg. CNN or Youtube.

    Any newly created data will be added to the queue to sync and wait for a better connection to begin the sync. This includes updated appointments on the mobile or changes/additions on the web.

  2. There is a large amount of data waiting to sync between the server and the device. If there is a large amount of activity on the web, this data will queue to sync to mobile devices. Any appointment added during this time would be added behind all the previously created data and try to wait for this to sync first.

    This can also come into play when several devices are used by the same user. For example, if they have a phone and tablet, and use their phone the majority of the time, the tablet will have a larger queue of data when it is next used. The user will need to allow time for the queue of data to pass to the tablet in order to have the most up-to-date information.

  3. The user is not following recommended practices for mobile app usage. These steps ensure that the Commusoft app and device used are operating well and reduce the likelihood of this type of issue occurring. The usage requirements are;
      • Close the app daily. Leaving the app open in the background for prolonged time periods can cause further issues and a backlog of queued data to sync. Closing any open app when not in use will ensure the device has enough memory free at any given time.
      • Accept appointments when the user is notified, the night before or morning of. Web users will see at a glance that all appointments have been seen and the technician can attend, giving you time to advise the technician to manually sync the app in cases where the appointment did not sync.
        N.B. - Multiple appointments can be accepted at any given time and can be edited if accepted.
      • Keep the app up to date. App stores allow automatic updates for installed apps which can ensure you receive the latest version as they are released.
      • Reinstall the app once every 3 months so you have a fresh database downloaded regularly.
        N.B. - Always ensure the app and web have synced before uninstalling the app.
      • Apps are intended for daily usage. If the app is not used daily there will be a larger backlog of data to sync when it is opened. Uninstall the app when not actively in use, eg. during annual leave/holiday periods over 5 days.

If you do not see a thumbs up on the web, the appointment may not be showing for the technician. This is especially important for same-day edits/additions to the schedule and office staff will need to check the schedule to ensure appointments are accepted.

Related guides:
Minimum requirements for running Commusoft
Mobile Apps - Appointment statuses
Appointment statuses and icons