Purpose: This setting allows you to set your mobile experience workflows, both arrive and leave, including setting the default template when booking a job into the diary.
Please note:
- Job template workflows are only available on the 'All-In-One' Plan and above.
- Once you have assigned a template to a job description, it will only apply to new jobs and diary events. The software will not alter any events created prior to the template assignment.
- If you have archived a workflow after a diary event using it has been added, the mobile user will still see those questions and will need to answer them. The questions will only be archived for events added afterwards.
- If you do not set your workflow templates for your specific job descriptions, the software will default to what you have set up for your Job arrive signature message, Job arrive on site questions, Job leave signature message, and Job leave questions settings.
- You are not able to assign workflow templates with no questions configured to job descriptions.
- Important: Mobile users have to force close and reopen their app for changes made/saved to the mobile experience of a job description to appear in the app.
- Important: You must refrain from making any changes to the workflow templates while they are assigned to diary events that have not yet been completed.
Related guides:
After creating a job workflow template, you are able to assign it to specific job descriptions.
- Go into System settings > Job descriptions. Then, to select the job description you wish to add the workflow template to, hit ‘Configure’.
- Within the configure module, you will see the ‘Mobile Experience’ section containing two options: ‘Arrive workflows’ and ‘Job report workflows’.
Arrive workflows
- You may assign your created job arrive workflows here by going to the arrival questions area and going to any open field with ‘Please select’ available. Search for your workflow, and select it.
- You may edit the default and order of these workflows by setting workflows as a ‘Default’.
- Once you have selected and chosen to default it or not. Hit ‘Save’.
- If the workflow is not appearing on the list to choose from, it likely has not been configured.
Job report workflows
- You may assign your created job report workflows here by going into the job question column and using the ‘Please select’ option in a blank field to search for your created flows.
- You may edit the default and order of these workflows by setting specific workflows as the ‘Default’.
- You may select the different templates you’ve created by going into the advanced options area in the diary booking module.
- As above, if the workflow is not appearing on the list to choose from, it likely has not been configured.
Scheduling diary event - Assigning workflow templates
- You may select the different templates you’ve created by going into the advanced options area in the diary booking module.
- If you have more than 1 workflow set up for the job description, a dropdown menu will be visible. However, if you only have 1 workflow set up, the dropdown menu will not appear.
- If you would like to see what template a diary event has associated, you can single-click the diary event from the diary, or click view from the job details tab to view the template as shown below.