Purpose: The system uses tagging to help add information and helps reduce administrative work by creating easy to send out the documentation to your customers. Throughout the system, there are modules that may be used to create communications.
The tagging will be explained below:
Most modules have tagging available click the "Use tagging" button.
You'll see a side panel open containing the tags such as below, clickt the "Close tagging" button to finish adding tags.
Depending on the module in use, users may encounter limitations on the availability of tags. Attempting to use tags that are unavailable in a particular module, such as trying to utilize a diary tag in a module that does not support it, will result in only the HTML brackets being displayed without proper tagging. This means that the intended tagging will not be executed correctly, potentially leading to formatting issues or unintended display errors. It's important for users to be aware of tag availability within each module to ensure proper functionality and presentation.
Customer Tags
[customer_account_no] - Adds the customer account number
[customer_name] - Adds the on file customer name
[customer_surname] - Adds the on file customer last name
[customer_telephone] - Adds the on file customer LANDLINE number
[customer_mobile] - Adds the on file customer MOBILE number
[customer_email] - Adds the on file customer email address
[customer_address_line_1] -Adds the first line of the address
[customer_address_line_2] - Adds the second line of the address
[customer_address_line_3] - Adds the third line of the address
[customer_town] - Adds the on file customer town
[customer_county] - Adds the on file customer county
[customer_postcode] - Adds the on file customer zipcode / postcode
[customer_advertising] - Adds the advertising choice that is on file with the customer.
Estimate Tags
[estimate_no] - Adds the estimate number
[estimate_created_date] - Adds the estimate created date
[estimate_description] - Adds the estimate description
[estimate_engineer_notes] - Adds the engineer notes from the estimate
[estimate_contact_name] - Adds the estimate contact name
[estimate_address_line_1] - Adds estimate address line 1
[estimate_address_line_2] - Adds estimate address line 2
[estimate_address_line_3] - Adds estimate address line 3
[estimate_address_town] - Adds the estimate town
[estimate_address_county] - Adds the estimate address county
[estimate_address_postcode] - adds the estimate zipcode / postcode
[estimate_contact_telephone] - Adds the Estimate contact LANDLINE number
[estimate_contact_mobile] - Adds the estimate contact MOBILE number
[estimate_contact_email] - Adds the estimate contacts email address
[estimate_address_account_no] - Adds the estimate addresses account number
[estimate_address_name] - Adds the estimate address name
[estimate_portal_url] - Adds the Estimate Portal URL
[estimate_price] - Adds the Estimate Price
Jobs tags
[job_no] - Adds the job number
[job_contact_name] - Adds the Job contacts name
[job_contact_telephone] - Adds the Job contacts LANDLINE number
[job_contact_mobile] - Adds the Job contacts MOBILE number
[job_contact_email] - Adds the Job contacts email address
[job_created_date] - Adds the job created date
[job_description] - Adds the Job description
[job_po_no] - Adds the Job purchase order number
[job_priority] - Adds the job priority level
[job_quoted_amount] - Adds the quoted Job amount
[job_address_name] = Adds the Job address name
[job_address_line_1] - Adds the job address line 1
[job_address_line_2] - Adds the job address line 2
[job_address_line_3] - Adds the job address line 3
[job_address_town] - Adds the job address town
[job_address_county] - Adds the job address county
[job_address_postcode] - Adds the job address zipcode / postfcode
[job_address_account_no] - Adds the job address account number
[after_sales_care_portal_url] - adds the after sales care portal
Service Reminder tags
[service_reminder_name] - Adds the service reminder name
[service_due_date] - Adds the service reminder due date
[service_contact] - Adds the name of the service reminder contact
[service_reminder_booking_portal_url] - Adds the service reminder booking portal
Diary Events tags
[diary_date] - Adds the diary event date
[diary_time] - Adds the diary event time
[diary_start_time] - Adds the start time from the diary event
[diary_end_time] - Adds the end time from the diary event
[diary_engineer] - Adds the diary engineer
[diary_description] - Adds the diary event description
[diary_engineer_notes] - Adds the diary engineers notes
[diary_service_window] - Adds the diary service window.
Invoice Tags
[landlord_name] - Adds the on file landlord name
[invoice_date] - Adds the invoice date
[invoice_no] - Adds the invoice number
[invoice_address_name] - Adds the invoice address name
[invoice_address_line_1] - Adds line 1 of the address
[invoice_address_line_2] - Adds line 2 of the address
[invoice_address_line_3] - Adds line 3 of the address
[invoice_address_town] - Adds the invoice address town
[invoice_address_county] - Adds the invoice addresses county
[invoice_address_postcode] -Adds the invoice address zipcode / postcode
[invoice_description] - Adds the invoice description
[invoice_more_details] - Adds the invoice more details area
[invoice_exl_vat] - Adds the invoiced excluded vat
[invoice_vat] - Adds the invoice VAT amount
[invoice_total] - Adds the invoiced total
[invoice_total_paid] - Adds the total paid from the invoice
[invoice_remainder_to_pay] - adds the remainder amount to pay
[invoice_portal_url] - Adds the invoice portal URL
Supplier tags
[supplier_name] - Adds the supplier name
[supplier_address_line_1] - Adds line 1 of the address
[supplier_address_line_2] - Adds line 2 of the address
[supplier_address_line_3] - Adds line 3 of the address
[supplier_town] - Adds the supplier town
[supplier_county] - Adds the supplier county
[supplier_postcode] - Adds the supplier zipcode / postcode
[supplier_telephone] - Adds the supplier phone number
[supplier_email] - Adds the supplier email address
PO tags
[po_date] - Adds the purchase order date
[po_no] - Adds the purchase order number
[po_description] - Adds the purchase order description
Booking portal tags
[booking_portal_link] - adds the booking portal link