Booking multiple techs onto a single job

When creating a job in the diary, or, when adding/creating an estimate in the system you may only be able to book a single tech at a time into the diary or estimate event. Some events (estimate/job)  will require multiple techs if they require multiple techs onsite. If you need to have multiple techs on a job you do not need to create separate jobs/estimates.

  1. Go into the job you wish to add multiple techs to. Go to the diary events quadrant.

  2. Click on “add new diary event”. And select the timeframe that corresponds with your techs added before.


    You can add this for the same date and time if your engineers are attending the job together, or in different days/times depending on what you need.

    An example of what the diary looks like when multiple techs are assigned to the same site visit.
