Property history

The history on a property dashboard is simply the list of past records for past works, completed or otherwise. Serving as an at-a-glance overview and access jobs, invoices, estimates and opportunities.


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All historical data for work completed at the main property and all associated work addresses is displayed on the main customer.

The default view displays all past jobs (completed/aborted), credit notes, estimates, opportunities and invoices sent to the customer. With a large number of work addresses (eg. estate agent customers), the filters can be used to reduce the number of records displayed. Using the 'Show parent properties only' filter will remove any work address records from the list.

Work address

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Work addresses hold no financial responsibility for invoices, the totals and balances will display blank in the history. To view a quick breakdown of a work address invoice, hover the mouse over the 'Invoices' status on the record.

The work address history shows all past jobs (completed/aborted), estimates and opportunities as all financial responsibility is with the parent property.