Merge customers

Merge a customer into a different customer you've already created in your system, helping to tidy up your system and reduce duplicate customers.

Merging customers is an irreversible action.

Merge customers

All contacts, estimates, jobs, invoices, credit notes, and payments will be transferred to the customer selected in the 'Into this customer' box. This customer will also retain their original creditor days, SLA, stored cards and third-party accounting reference.

1.  Navigate to the customer you want to merge > Edit > Advanced > Merge customer

2. Start typing the name of the customer you want to keep > Select the name from the drop down menu

Both customers details will be displayed, with the customer record on the right showing that it will be deleted, and the customer record on the left being the saved customer where the information will be merged to.


3. Review the customer details > Click 'Merge'

How to merge a customer.gif

The customers must be the same customer type to be merged. Read more about changing the customer type in this guide.

Account credit from both customer accounts will be combined during the merge.

Once the merge is complete, a note will be created on the customer in the communications tab showing which customer has been merged into it, along with when the action was done and by which user.