Arrive workflow templates

Purpose: Arrive workflow templates are pre-designed forms with sets of questions for gathering/giving feedback when an engineer arrives at the job. They contain customizable questions and formats,  streamlining survey creation and data collection for valuable insights. This template will be used in the ‘Arrive questions’ field when creating an opportunity.

Add Arrive workflow template

  • Profile icon > Settings > Opportunities > Arrive workflow templates > View > Add opportunity arrive workflow template > Enter Description > Save.

Configure arrive workflow template

  • Configure > Complete Mobile Experience > Save

Signature on arrival

  • Choose one of the options below > Save.
    • No, I do not want to setup opportunity arrival signature message.
    • Yes, I want to setup opportunity arrival signature message.


  • Add new page > Page type and page name > Save.
    • Use the various input types to set up each page with your leave questions.
    • Each Input type has various configuration options.


Download an arrive workflow template

  • Download > Zip file is saved to your computer's Download folder.

Clone an arrive workflow template

  • Clone > Type CLONE > Clone.

Edit an arrive workflow template name

  • Edit > Amend Template name > Save.

Delete an arrive workflow template 

  • Delete > Type delete > Delete.

Setting up the template

When configuring you will be able to utilize inputs and elements to create questions that will allow you to customize the mobile experience for your users and customers. 

Please note:

  • Once you have assigned a template, it will only apply to new jobs and diary events. The software will not alter any events created prior to the template assignment.
  • If you have archived a workflow after a diary event using it has been added, the mobile user will still see those questions and will need to answer them. The questions will only be archived for events added afterward.
  • If multiple photo input types are configured on the workflow templates, only one of the photos will appear on the job report PDF. However, this will display correctly when the engineer views the job report on their device.
  • Due to the way operating systems (e.g., Mac and Windows) auto-rotate images, it is possible that photos taken and added to the workflow templates may appear in a different orientation from how they were taken.
  • The recommended maximum is 10 photos per template. Adding more may cause longer syncing times.

Configure Questions

  • Add new section > Section name
    • Sections can be used to block off specific frames of questions you may need to use.
    • You also have the option to add a dependency to a section as well. Information about what a dependency is can be found further on in the guide.
    • If you wanted your engineers to gather more specific customer information from them, you could create a section called “Customer Information”, with questions such as “Is there extra contact we should be aware of?”.

Question Input Types

  • This setting subsection allows you to add input questions with specific context to the question.
  • Some of these inputs will appear differently on different devices.

Input - Allows you to label and add any input needed.

Number - Allows you to create a listed input using numbers.

Text area - Allows you to add a text area with descriptions as needed.

Date - Allows the addition of dated inputs.

Time - Allows you to add a time input.

Toggle - Allows you to add a toggle with measurable options.

Checkbox - Adds a single or multiple checkbox input.

Single Checkbox - Adds a single checkbox input.

Radio - Adds radio buttons.

Dropdown - Adds a dropdown option.

Input with selection choices - Allows you to select choices from an inputted question/phrase.

Plain text - A plain text input that only allows one field entry.

Decimal - Allows decimal reading inputs.

Signature - Allows an input for signature creation.

Photo - Allows a module for the addition of photos. You may limit the number here using "maximum number" (see below).

Non-editable input - Adds an input your engineer cannot edit.

Preset input: Yes/No - Adds an input with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ options already configured.

Preset input: Yes/No/N/A - Adds an input with ‘Yes’, ‘No’, and ‘N/A’ options already configured.

Input options

  • Drag input type > Complete Add new field side panel > Save
    • Field name: Input name that the engineer will see.
    • Field help text: Additional information to help the engineer understand the detail required.
    • Required: Checkbox, tick if you want to make this compulsory for the engineer to answer.

Screenshot 2023-11-30 110926.png

Input Types Additional Configurations

  • Customize additional configurations for each input type.
    • Some of the additional configurations are only available for specific input types.


Measurements - This is the input configuration that lets you enter what you would like to measure the input by. Examples: cm, kg, °C.

Defaults - This allows you to set an answer which will default when the input is selected. This is not meant to be a suggestion for what to answer, but rather the answer that is chosen the most often.

Validations - This allows you to set regular expressions for ‘Input’ input types. There are two types of validations that have set expressions: ‘Email address’ and ‘Date’. There is also a ‘Custom pattern’ that allows you to set your own regular expression, most often used by developers.

Dependencies - Dependencies are questions that when answered may trigger an input. Inputs that have dependencies will not appear on the app until the dependency has been activated. Example: If you have a question set as “Is there mold or mold-like damage present?” and the engineer answers yes, you may have a dependent question that will trigger asking “Have you done a visual or in-depth mold screening?”. You are not able to create a dependency for a page.

Maximum Number - This is only available within photo inputs. This allows you to set the max number of photos the input can have added. This is a great way to minimize data usage. There is a maximum value of 3.

Delete - This allows you to delete the input, after confirming the deletion.