Rebook portal settings

Purpose: Personalize the business contact details displayed on the customer contact pop-up for help and support. Additionally, set the access roles that get notified when a customer changes/cancels an appointment.

Allowing customers to self-manage their appointments dramatically improves efficiency and productivity while eliminating time spent on the phone. Customers can rebook or cancel their appointment on PC, laptop or mobile device when convenient from a link in the Job confirmation email.



Self service portals in Commusoft use smart scheduling to show available dates and times to customers when they book their jobs. These settings ensure that customers self service journies are not interrupted when trying to book:

This feature is available on Customer Journey and above.

Customers can rebook/cancel appointments up until the mobile user taps travel on the existing event.

View setting

➡️ Profile icon > Settings > Self-service > Rebook portal settings > View

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The portal can display a contact pop-up with ways they can reach out to you, using either the company details set on your account or specific contact details, eg. for a member of staff managing schedules.

Email address

  • Don’t show email - No email address is shown
  • Show company email - Display email address from Company details
  • Enter email - Display any other email address, manually type in the field ‘New email’ now visible.

Phone number

  • Don’t show phone - No phone number is shown
  • Show company phone - Display phone number from Company details
  • Enter phone - Display any other phone number, manually type in the field ‘New phone’ now

The remaining options allow for customising text displayed in the pop-up using free type fields.

  • Contact support description
  • Contact support title
  • Contact support available timing

Contact us pop up.png

Turn off the contact pop-up by setting both the phone number and email address to 'Don't show'.

Terms and conditions

Provide customers with an external link to your terms and conditions for rebooking their jobs and estimates, eg. a link to terms and conditions on your website.

➡️ Enable terms and conditions > Tick box > Enter URL into 'Enter terms and conditions url' field

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Select the user access roles you want to receive an in-system notification when a service job is booked.

➡️ Send notification to > Select desired roles

If you have Commusoft Sales, both JMS and Sales roles will be displayed in the list.

Email notifications

Similar to the in-system notification above, you can set up email notifications to trigger when a customer books a service job via the service reminder portal. This can be set to specific users, user access roles or an external email address.

  • Selecting users or access roles:
    • To > Select users or roles from drop down
  • Using an email address(es):
    • To > Type desired email address > Hit ' Return' key
  • Email templates > Select email template from drop down.

Prerequisites for email notification

Create an email template to use for this notification.

Once you've set all your fields up, make sure to hit the save button before navigating away.