Purpose: Download a list of parts that have supplier-specific prices against them for a given supplier. Helpful in viewing and confirming all supplier related prices are up to date and download to be kept for historical purposes before prices and details are further updated.
Related guides:
Parts: Add/update supplier prices
Please note:
- The download will only include parts which have an existing supplier price configured against it
- Downloads of supplier prices can be used to update prices and product codes but only if existing supplier prices are configured. For parts with no supplier specific configuration, the main parts list will need to be used and additional input types must be added
- You can only download one supplier at a time
- The Partid identifier is an internal identifier for the system
1. Go to Settings > Parts > Advanced > Download your supplier prices as a CSV (spreadsheet)
2. Seach and select suppliers name > click 'Download excel'
3. Download file 'SupplierPrices' will be available on your device, below is an example of the file.