Sage Business Cloud Accounting: Set up accounting integration

Please read the overview article before completing the steps below: Sage Business Cloud Accounting: Overview

Important note:

Once the integration is set up it is important you link your nominal codes, customers and supplier before you send any data.

If at any step you are unsure please contact support on 02030 266 266 selecting option 2. 

Choose package

Read and complete the steps below.

1. Profile icon > Integrations > Accounting packages > Add integration > Setup integration


2. Select the correct accounting package. Click 'Sage Accounting' > Click 'Choose package'.



3. You will be redirected to Sage Accounting, enter your credentials and click 'Login' > click 'Allow Access'.

4. You will be redirected back to Commusoft.

Completing setup and preferences

Follow all the steps carefully, ensuring you read all the information provided on the screen.

1. Would you like to import your customer and supplier database from Sage Accounting into Commusoft?

  • Yes, I would like to import all customers and suppliers from Sage Accounting
  • No, I would not like to import any customers and suppliers from Sage Accounting


If you choose 'Yes' to import data into Commusoft please note, Sage Business Cloud Accounting does not have a title field. Commusoft will automatically place the first 'Customer title' from your 'System settings' into the 'Title field' for all records.

Please check the setting before importing. Go to 'Customer titles' and set the title you require to the top of the list. Click 'Next step' when you have made your selection.

  • Commusoft is not responsible for the quality of data that is imported. Please ensure the data in your accounting package is of good quality and in the correct fields before proceeding. For example, some accounting packages do not have Companies, they are shown as Customers, therefore they will be imported as Customers in Commusoft.

Once you have understood and made your choice, click Next step.

2. Tick the box to confirm your selection, then click 'Next step'.


3. Choose a cut-off date for financial records that you want to import into your Accounting Package (A) and add an email address for Notifications (B). 


(A) Send data from:

  • All data in Commusoft. This will include all records entered into Commusoft from your start date.
  • From a specific date

When choosing 'From a specific date' you need to consider whether you set a past, present or future date.

  • Past date - set a date in the past if you want to align with your financial quarter or year.
  • Present date - set this to send financial records from the present date onwards.
  • Future date - set a date in the future to align with the beginning of the next financial quarter or year.

Important note: We will automatically send all customer records entered into Commusoft regardless of the date selected, the cut-off date you set only affects financial records.

(B) Notification email

Carefully think about and select your choice then click 'Next step'.

4. Tick the box to confirm your selection, then click 'Next step'.


5. Select when you want Commusoft to send data to Sage Accounting.

You can select from:

  • Automatically (every two hours)
  • When you click the 'Send data' button (Manually)

Important note:

  • We highly recommend you set your integration to 'Manually' send data until you are familiar with the integration.
  • You must set the dashboard to 'Manually' send if you already have customers/suppliers in your Accounting package as these will need linking up before you send any data. Follow this guide: Sage Accounting: Link existing customers/suppliers 
  • The send data option can be changed at any time: Company Setting > Accounting Interfaces > Quicklinks > Change data transfer settings

Select your choice then click 'Next step.'

6. Tick the box to confirm your selection, then click 'Next step.'

7. The accounting integration has now been set up, click 'Close.'


You will now see the accounting interface dashboard. 
You will have some data in the 'Waiting to be sent box.'

Do not press send until you are fully set up.
