Stock Workflows

Purpose: When working with stock, it's essential to adhere to specific workflows to maintain accuracy and traceability throughout the process. While some procedures have only one correct approach, others have preferred or recommended methods. This guide comprehensively outlines the various workflows you'll encounter and provides optimal steps for managing them.


Parts statuses

There are 7 statuses that parts can sit in. 

  • Requested - You have requested this part for this job but hasn't yet been decided where it's going to come from
  • On Order- The part is being ordered from a supplier
  • Available - The part is ready to be taken by the engineer to install on the job
  • Picked Up - The engineer has collected the part
  • Installed - The engineer has installed the part at the job address and can now be invoiced as a line item
  • Cancelled - The part was no longer needed or the job may have been cancelled
  • Returned - The part needs returning back to stock or the supplier


Office Workflows

Moving parts directly to "On Order"

There are 2 ways which you can make parts "On Order". You can raise a purchase order directly against the job which puts the parts directly into "On Order" or you can request the parts first and then raise purchase orders for those parts afterwards. 


Adding a purchase order directly against the job

➡️ Go to the job > Costs tab > scroll down > Add new purchase order > add parts > Save

add new purchase order.png


Moving parts from "Requested" to "On Order"

Method 1

➡️ Go to the job > Parts tab > Requested > Plus icon > Fulfil part > Order all from supplier / Type the amount into Order from supplier > Save

(Alternative method for multiple Requested parts ➡️ Go to the job > Parts tab > Requested > Tick the parts > Fulfil select parts > Change dropdown to "Raise PO for all parts" > Save and create purchase order

order all from supplier.png

This will then create a purchase order for the supplier you choose for those parts. 


Method 2

➡️ Go to reporting > Three lines on the left > Parts > Parts operational list > Requested > Tick the parts > Fulfil selected parts > Save

fulfilling parts from report.png

When fulfilling the selected parts you will need to choose whether you are going to fulfil these from a stock location, a supplier or to fulfil them individually. Please select the correct corresponding drop down from the selection.


Moving parts from "On Order" to "Available"

➡️ Go to reporting > Three lines on the left > Parts > Parts operational list > On order > Tick the parts > Mark as available > Save

on order report.png

You then need to choose which stock location these parts are going to be allocated to.


Moving parts from "Available" to "Installed" 

➡️ Go to the job > Parts tab > Plus icon > Change part status > Installed > Save

available to installed.png


Moving parts from "Requested" / "On Order" to "Cancelled"

➡️ Go to the job > Parts tab > On order / Requested > Tick the parts > Change selected part status > Change status to "Cancelled" > Save

cancelling on order parts.pngcancelling requested.png


Returning parts

You may need to return parts to your stock or a supplier if they are no longer needed or they are damaged. Marking the part as returned on the job isn't the only part of the process. There is another part process to follow to ensure the part reaches the correct stock location or supplier. 

You can only return parts that came from a stock location or a supplier. You cannot return a part if it was fulfilled from "general". 


Step 1

➡️ Go to the job > Parts tab > Available > Tick the parts > Change selected part status > Status - Returned to supplier / stock > Save

Step 2

➡️ Go to Reporting > Three lines on the left > Stock control > Stock returns operational list > Parts not used > Tick the parts > Allocate returns


  • Keep in van - Return then straight back to the location they came from
  • Stock Location - Choose a different location to return them to
  • Supplier - Before a part goes back to a supplier, it needs to go back to a stock location for traceability. Choose a stock location for this as the supplier will automatically be picked up.

Enter the stock location and the quantity to return to that stock location and click save. 


Note - You can return the quantity of parts to multiple stock locations, you don't have to return them all to one location. Once you select one location, it will give you the option to add another one. 


Step 3 (1) - Returning stock to a stock location

After following the above steps go to the tab "Returning to stock" > Tick the parts > Mark as reached stock location

returning parts to stock location.png


Step 3 (2) - Returning stock to a supplier

After following the steps from step 2 and step 3 (1) you then need to go to the "Returning to supplier" tab > Tick the part > Inform Supplier / Mark as supplier picked up

  • Inform Supplier - This will send an email to the supplier to arrange a collection for these parts. The email it sends out will be the one from your Supplier returns email template.
  • Mark as supplier picked up - This will return the part back to the supplier and remove it from your stock location


Engineer & Stock Manager Workflow

Requesting parts from the office on the mobile

➡️ Go to the diary event on the mobile app > More (on iOS) / 9 Squares (on Android) > Parts > Plus button > Search for part > Click the plus button until you reach desired quantity > Tap on the tick




Transferring parts from another location to engineers van

If your engineer requires certain parts and they know that they exist in another stock location, they can transfer them into their own van. This workflow is of course only recommended if there is communication between the engineers and the other engineer doesn't need the parts but engineers can move parts around if they need to. 

➡️ My Van > Plus button > Search for the parts > Tap on the part > Tap the plus icon until you reach the desired amount > Add





Installing parts directly from van on mobile

If your engineer is currently at a job and already has the parts needed to do the job, they can install them directly from their van. 

➡️ Open the diary event > 9 squares (on Android) / More (on iOS) > Tap Parts > Tap the plus button > Locate the part > Tap the plus button until desired quantity is reached > Tap the tick at the top of the screen




Picking up parts for a job on the mobile

When adding parts to a job, there are multiple ways that they can be fulfilled:

  • Ordered from supplier > Delivered to the office
  • Ordered from supplier > Delivered to site
  • Ordered from supplier > Collect from supplier
  • Fulfilled directly from a stock location

If a part has been ordered from supplier and is set to be delivered to the office or to be collected from a supplier, this will provide the engineer with a notification to pick these parts up or to scan them out of the warehouse (or main stock location).

This will also occur if the parts have been fulfilled directly from a stock location and the engineer will need to go and collect these parts from the stock location and scan the parts out. (Not if the stock location is their own van of course)


Delivered to site - The only one that doesn't give a notification as the parts are already at the address so can be installed directly from site


Delivered to office & Fulfilled from stock location

When parts are being delivered to the office they will be going into a stock location, once they have arrived. The engineer would then need to take the parts from that location and install them onto the job. The same would apply if the parts are being directly fulfilled from a stock location on a job as the engineer will still need to collect the parts from that location to install those parts. 


The engineer will receive a notification on the Commusoft app to let them know that there are parts to be picked up for their jobs on that day. 

The diary event must be in the future (engineer will not be notified if the diary event was for yesterday)


Engineers' process if collecting from supplier

➡️ Home > Tap on notification > Tap on the parts > Tap on confirm

collecting from supplier.gif

This will then move the part status to "Picked up"


Engineers' process if collecting from stock location

➡️ Home > Tap on the parts to pick up banner > Scan for parts > Scan the QR code from stockroom app

collecting stock from a stock location.gif

This will then move the part status to "Picked up"