View contract

Purpose: This centralised dashboard provides easy access to your contract information, allowing users to action the contract effortlessly. Track associated jobs, invoices and payments and review contract terms all in one place.

View contract

There are two ways to access the list of contracts:

➡️ Navigate to customer record > Locate Contracts section in left side panel > View > Actions; View

When viewing the customer record, a summary of the contract(s) will be displayed in the left side panel. If a customer only has one or two active contracts you can easily locate it in the side panel of the customer record.

➡️ Navigate to customer record > Quick links > Contracts > Actions; View

For customers managing contracts for various work addresses, or, with a long list of contracts, you can access the contract list through Quick links. Use the search and filter functions on the contracts list page to locate the contract you need in a large list.

The property must be included in the active contract for it to be displayed in the side panel.


View contract.png

The left side panel displays details of the contract terms. Some sections here will depend on what's included in the contract, eg. PPM details won't be displayed with no PPM included in the contract.

Contract status: The current status and any relevant information, eg. how many days to expiry. You may see one of the following statuses displayed:

  • Draft
  • Active
  • Cancelled
  • Void
  • Expired
  • Active pending start date
  • Customer renewal required
  • Renewed pending start date
  • Pending renewal failed
  • Pending mandate confirmation

Customer information: The contract owner's name, address and phone number.

Contract details: All the basic details for the contract, eg. the contract template used and the renewal type.

Job details: Job terms will be displayed here, including the number of job allowances, if PPM or service jobs are included.

Billable rates: See if any billable rates are included, for example, Labour can show as "Setup with segmentation".

Invoicing: A detailed breakdown of the invoice terms on the contract and your invoice contact.

Payment collection: The contract payment method selected.

Properties included in contract: The number of properties included.

Each section has an associated action, described in more detail below.

Contract status

Draft: Contracts in draft status will have an 'Activate' button and display the last date/time it was edited.

Active: The number of days until the contract expires is displayed.

Expired: The expiry date is displayed.

Cancelled: The date of cancellation and the user who cancelled the contract is displayed.

Void: The date the contract was voided is displayed.

Active pending start date: The contract start date is in the future, the date it becomes active is displayed.

Customer renewal required: The contract renewal requires review by both you and the client when the "Fixed length renewal required" renewal type is used. Manual activation is required.

Renewed pending start date: The contract has been renewed and the start date is in the future.

Pending renewal failed: The renewal failed and required manual resolution. This can happen when the "Fixed length auto-renewal" renewal type is used and there is an issue with either the PPM, service jobs or invoicing options used.

Pending mandate confirmation: The contract is set to use GoCardless and you have sent the mandate confirmation request to the customer.


Due to the nature of monthly rolling contracts, they will only show as active with the end date automatically extended every month. To end this type of contract, it must be voided.


Quick links

Several actions relating to the contact statutes can be found under "Quick links" on the right side of the screen.

Quick links.png

Cancel contract

A contract can be cancelled if it has not yet had any associated jobs, invoices or payment records.

➡️ Quick links > Cancel contract > Type “Cancel” > Cancel

A contract can be cancelled if it has no associated jobs, invoices or payments.

Cancelling a contract marks it as inactive but keeps it in your system for reference.

You can still view the full contract details, including terms, communications, and scheduled activities, through the contract timeline.


Cancelled contracts cannot be deleted.

Stop contract from renewing

You can stop a contract from renewing using this action, the contract will expire when the end date is reached.

➡️ Quick links > Stop contract from renewing > Type “Stop contract renewing” > Stop

Clone contract

Clone the contract on the current customer, allowing for making smaller adjustments in case of manual renewal or new customer contract setup with the same terms.

➡️ Quick links > Clone contract > Type “Clone” > Cancel


Void the contract

Terminate the contract and prevent future actions from occurring. If the contract has any jobs, invoices or payments already it cannot be cancelled, so use this action instead.

➡️ Quick links > Void the contract > Type “Void” > Void

You can still view the full contract details, including terms, communications, jobs, invoices, payments and scheduled activities, through the contract timeline.

Voided contracts cannot be deleted.


Contract details

This section contains all the essential contract details. These details can come from two sources: either from the pre-defined template (e.g., Contract type and Contract period) or from the information you entered during customer contract setup (e.g., Start/End date and Salesperson).

Contract details.png

Edit Contract details

Editing the contract details section will take you to Step 1 of the customer contract setup. You can continue through the steps to edit other sections if required.

Make sure to click "Next" to save your changes before leaving the setup screens.

You can edit contracts while they are still in draft form or even after they are activated. However, when editing an active contract, certain fields will be read-only and appear greyed out.

Edit an active contract.png

Edit draft customer contract

  • Step 1 Basic details: You cannot modify the Contract name.
  • Step 4.1 Assets: Can be added or removed, at least one must remain.
  • Step 4.2 PPM: Can be deleted, at least one must remain.

Edit active customer contract

  • Step 1 Basic Details: You cannot modify the Contract name, Start date, or End date.
  • Step 2 Invoicing: You can change the Invoice schedule if no invoice has been generated yet, but not the Invoice plan.
  • Step 3 Address: You can add or remove addresses.
  • Step 4.1 Asset: Can be added or removed, at least one must remain.
  • Step 4.2 PPM: You can add or delete tasks until a job is created under the PPM, at least one must remain.
  • Step 4.3 Services: You can change dates but cannot add or delete service jobs. 
  • Step 4.4 Job Allowance: Can be added, edited, or deleted.
  • Step 5 SLA: You can modify the SLA template.
  • Step 6 Summary: No changes required.
  • Step 7 Payment: You cannot change the payment method, but you can update existing card details.


Customer contact details

The stored details for the contract contact are displayed in this section.

Customer contact details section.png

If you have an email address stored, it will be clickable to begin composing an email that gets logged on the contract communication timeline.

With a softphone system on your computer, you can click the customer's phone number to initiate a call.

Edit Customer contact details

You will be directed to the customer contact details edit page, make any necessary changes and save them to update the information.


Job details

This section displays any job allowances, PPM or service jobs included in the contract.

Job details section.png

Job allowances: The total number of jobs included as part of the contract, as set out in the Contract template Step 4.4; Call outs and breakdowns.

PPM: Displays the name of the PPM included.

Service jobs: Displays the name of the service reminder included.

Edit Job details

Editing the job details section will take you to Step 4 of the customer contract setup.

Assets: Manage assets for individual properties included in this contract. You can add new assets or remove existing ones, but there must always be at least one asset associated with the property.

PPM: Manage PPM for individual properties included in this contract. You can add new PPM and tasks or remove existing ones, but there must always be at least one PPM, with one task.

Services: You can edit the service date and contact selected. If a service reminder is linked to this contract, the reminder's date and contact will also be displayed here.

Job allowance: View the current job allowance and make any amendments required. There are no limitations to changes made here when the contract is active.


Billable rates

This section lets you define (or redefine) the billable rates for this contract.

Billable rates section.png

Edit Billable rates

If you haven't set up any billable rates in the contract template, you can do so now or come back and edit them later.

  • Labour
  • Pricing items
  • Parts

For detailed instructions on setting the rates, refer to Step 5 of the Contract Templates guide.



The invoicing details can be found in this section in detail and view all related contract invoices.

Invoicing section.png

Invoice contact: The name and email address of the chosen invoice contact.

Invoice address: Displays the invoice address that will be used for any contract invoices.

Date of next invoice: The date the next invoice will be generated is displayed, if the contract has recurring invoices.

Price: For recurring invoices, the total of the next invoice will be displayed; For invoices created at the beginning of the contract, the total of this invoice is displayed.

Billing period: The selected period of billing will be displayed.

First asset: If asset costs are included, the first cost will be displayed.

Subsequent assets: If additional charges for assets apply this will be displayed.

View Invoicing

A detailed list of contract invoices with helpful information at a glance.

View invoices.png

Contract invoices are accessible through the invoice address, just like job invoices. They can be found in the History section of the customer record.

Contract invoice in history.png

Payment collection

If Commusoft is set to take contract payments, the method and record of payments taken can be found in this section.

Payment collection section.png

Payment method: The method selected for the contract template in Step 6.2 is displayed.

  • Credit card: Payments will be taken automatically via subscription using Stripe.
  • Direct debit: Payments will be taken automatically via Direct debit using GoCardless.

Take a look at this guide for more information on the various ways contract payments can be taken.

Edit Payment collection

Editing payment collection will take you to Step 7 of the customer contract setup. You can make any changes to payment details, eg., if the customer needs to use a new card or set up a new bank mandate.

The payment method cannot be changed.

View payment collected

A detailed list of contract payments with helpful information at a glance.

Edit contract 1.3.png

View the payment record easily by clicking "View".


Properties included in contract

A quick look at how many contracts are included in the contract you are viewing.

Properties included section.png

View Properties included in contract

A list of all properties included in the contract is displayed, showing a table with details for each.

View properties in a contract.gif


The contract timeline displays all records relating to the contract and is your reference for all associated actions, both automated and manual, and communications.

You can access all related jobs, invoices and payments generated in an individual record on the timeline, logging the date and time this was completed and the user that performed an action.


Use the filter bar to find jobs, emails or any other record logged in the timeline.

  • Search the timeline with a manual entry.
  • Select a Date range to view all records for that period.
  • Select Record types to view or hide and reduce the number displayed.
  • Select specific Users to see the actions associated with them.

Add record

You can manually add certain record types from the timeline to ensure any manual actions are recorded for your records.

Add record.png

Send new email: Manually compose an email in the pop up box. Use the "Add attachments" button to attach files stored on the customer record.

Send new SMS: Manually compose an SMS or use an SMS template.

Schedule activity: Schedule a new activity for this contract.

Add new note: Create a new note. Use the "Important" check box to pin the note to the top of the timeline.

Log new call: Record a phone call relating to this contract.

You can favourite a record type using the star Fav icon.png icon. Click the icon to add a new button, next to the "Add record" button and quickly access your most commonly used record types.

Add record favourite.png